Zine d'assemblage sur l'art postal en général destiné aux mailartistes pour permettre l'échange d'idées, faire connaître divers projets. Pour participer, faire parvenir 25 originaux de timbres d'artiste, ATC, cartes postales personnalisées, oeuvres de format 8cm X 8cm, poèmes etc... signés et numérotés. Une copie originale du zine sera envoyée à chaque participants.
114-3699 Av. Des Compagnons, Québec (Québec), G1X 4Y4,
Hello, I'm afraid you made a severe mistake, the little drawing "Roland Fluxus Mental" derives from Ben Vautier. I got this oroginal drawing some time ago. I just made the artistamp out of it and thought you may send it again to Ben's adresse not to me. Regards Roland
Hi Roland, No problems, that what I figured out in the first place. I immediatly recognized Ben's drawing. This being said, at the end of the day, you did make the stamp. Please accept my deepest condoleances for the passing away of your mother. Best regards, Reg
Hello, I'm afraid you made a severe mistake, the little drawing "Roland Fluxus Mental" derives from Ben Vautier. I got this oroginal drawing some time ago.
RépondreEffacerI just made the artistamp out of it and thought you may send it again to Ben's adresse not to me.
Hi Roland,
RépondreEffacerNo problems, that what I figured out in the first place. I immediatly recognized Ben's drawing. This being said, at the end of the day, you did make the stamp.
Please accept my deepest condoleances for the passing away of your mother.
Best regards,