Zine d'assemblage sur l'art postal en général destiné aux mailartistes pour permettre l'échange d'idées, faire connaître divers projets. Pour participer, faire parvenir 25 originaux de timbres d'artiste, ATC, cartes postales personnalisées, oeuvres de format 8cm X 8cm, poèmes etc... signés et numérotés. Une copie originale du zine sera envoyée à chaque participants.
114-3699 Av. Des Compagnons, Québec (Québec), G1X 4Y4,
Hi Reg, Are you planning on having two zines in March? My St. Patrick's Day 8cm by 8cm pieces are not in this month's zine. If you did not receive them, I understand. If you have found them, please throw them away and please don't put them in April's issue because they were to mark March 17.
Hi Reg,
RépondreEffacerAre you planning on having two zines in March? My St. Patrick's Day 8cm by 8cm pieces are not in this month's zine. If you did not receive them, I understand. If you have found them, please throw them away and please don't put them in April's issue because they were to mark March 17.
Amitiés, Wilma
Hi Wilma,
RépondreEffacerNo, I did not receive your 8 x 8. Since last December, I have lost some mail. I don't know what's going on at Canada Post!!!